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In our experience, no financial advisor has the time to dedicate to digital marketing. That's why we have proven processes to help you do what you KNOW you need to do.


Unfortunately, most people perceive the financial industry to be untrustworthy. It's our job to help you gain your potential ideal client's trust from the moment they look at your website and your social media platforms. We know that if anyone is taking the time to research financial advisors they're probably feeling the following:


  • Scared

  • Overwhelmed

  • Possibly ashamed


It's our job to help you digitally welcome them and let them know that you're a trusted resource. We make sure that your marketing budget isn't wasted on useless advertising and you don't spend valuable time on marketing that doesn't work. Social Seed Marketing understands all the ins and outs of working in the financial industry - from compliance requirements to wording that cannot be used in marketing material - and we're dedicated to helping you get your message out there.


Social Seed Marketing works with Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs), CDFA® professionals, and financial planners who work with broker-dealers. Catherine Tidd is also an Unregistered Affiliated Person (UAP) with Lincoln Financial Securities.


Our clients include the following:

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